Photography ~ {K} Dance Photo Session

As a dancer, others dancers are perhaps my all-time favorite subject to photograph (aside from kids, that is). Maybe it’s that I know what a step/position/move is supposed to look like. Maybe it’s just the joy I see on the face of other dancers as I photograph them doing what they love as much as I do. I don’t know, but I do know that I really look forward to those sessions.

While visiting some friends in Northern Utah their amazingly talented daughter asked me if I would be willing to do “some dance pictures” for her after we did their family session. I think I was almost more excited than her! This young lady is incredibly dedicated, talented and I see her going pretty far in the dance world. The sky’s the limit for her. And for those of you wondering… she’s only nine years old.


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Photography ~ {C} Family Photo Session

We went on vacation before I had a chance to post some final edits for my dear friends, The {C} Family’s session. I’ve watched the {C} family grow from two parents and four kids, to an added daughter-in-law and son-in-law and a much, much, MUCH adored grandson with another already loved grandbaby on the way. I can honestly say, I love this family!

I will tell you now, this family was SO much fun. If I asked them to jump… they did it with gusto. If I said, “Hold on, checking settings real quick.” They switched facial expressions with each shutter click (I didn’t really “see” those until the editing process, lol). They were so much fun, and they are most definitely an all-around fun family who makes a good time wherever they go.

C-Family 3C-Family 4C-Family 5C-Family 7C-Family 1C-Family 8C-Family 9C-Family 2C-Family 6C-Family13C-Family11C-Family10C-Family12

Where Have I Been?

I know, I disappeared on y’all.  Where, pray tell, have I been? Well… my family and I went on a vacation/trip. We traveled for two weeks to see family and friends throughout Utah and Colorado. I did some photo sessions for said friends and family for fun, went to several theme parks and just had an all-around good time.

Part of me wanted to make sure I had posts scheduled and ready to go while I was gone, but that just didn’t happen. And I was okay with that. I used to kill myself trying to do all these things before I went out of town. If you haven’t already seen, I have five kids… getting all of them ready along with myself and my hubby to go on a trip is a bit like mobilizing an army of easily distracted puppies. I’m usually grabbing things and packing right up until we walk out the door. As you can imagine, throwing in blog posts and such before leaving can just make life that much more… crazy.

A couple years ago, my hubby and I sat down, at his insistence, and talked about my tendency to just… overdo it. After some pretty major health scares that kept me pretty much confined to a bed for several months, we both decided that my family and my health is much more important than worrying about blog posts, and that vacation time, was to be just that – VACATION. So, while I take my laptop and camera with me… photos aren’t really edited, blog posts aren’t set up and I try to avoid too much time online whether on Facebook, Pinterest or trolling through my emails. Sometimes, it helps that we have limited internet access while out of town, too. 😀

So, I’m sorry for the two week long silence, but as you can see… time with my family is so much more important to me. That being said. I’ll have some posts about projects I worked on while gone (because hello… lots of time traveling in a van gives one lots of time to work on small projects, read and torment my children), photos I took, sessions I did and thoughts on life with five boys (six if you count my husband). Stay tuned for more!

Photography ~ {P} Kids Session

You may remember my previus post on this session… if not, the link to it is below. These kids were so much fun… even the little one who was not happy with me laying him down on the grass. He was very vocal in his protests, lol. And never forget how difficult it can sometimes be to get everyone looking at the same spot at the same time… no matter how much noise you make, lol. But all in all, this shoot with these rambunctious kids has been one of my favorite to date. I’m so glad I got to spend an hour or so with my friend and her daughters and grandbabies. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I did. 😀

Photography ~ {C} Family Sneak Peek

When this family contacted me for a large family session, including their kids and grandchild, I couldn’t resist.

We met up at Lake Las Vegas and had so much fun wandering all over picking spots for full family shots, couple shots, smaller family and individual shots. We took so many pictures it’s really hard to pick just a few for their Sneak Peek. But, I gave it a try.

Thanks for letting me goof off with y’all that day!

Photography ~ {P} Kids & Grandkids Sneak Peek

Recently I had the blessing of getting to work with some amazing kids. A very dear friend of mine, Kim, asked if I would be willing to take some pictures of her youngest daughter and her grandkids. Since her daughter is one of my favorite people in the whole world there was no way I was going to say no!

We met up at the Las Vegas LDS Temple and had some fun.

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that these kids were HAMS!

Thanks so much, Kim, for letting me spend the day with your kiddos! Enjoy your Sneak Peek!

Photography ~ Super Moon 2013

This year’s Super Moon (or the day when the moon is the closest to the Earth and brightest it will be) was June 23, and I made sure I took the opportunity to try my hand at photographing it! Not too bad for my first time ever. I know what I want to do and what I don’t want to do next time. I have a whole year to get it figured out. 😀

Monday Mishaps – Tripped Up

Once again, I bring before you… some mishap that has befallen me. Because if you can’t laugh at yourself, what CAN you laugh at?

My family is very fond of telling me that aside from dancing on a stage, I’m just not all that graceful. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not ALWAYS clumsy, and I HAVE been told by others that I do have a “graceful way about” me… but there are times my family wonders how I ever managed to twirl and spin across a stage when I can’t walk across a room some days without tripping over my own feet. I have always maintained that dancers are taught their entire lives to never look down: “You look like you don’t know the step (or- where you’re going – etc.)! Look up!” So, we don’t look down very often… therefore, we trip much easier! That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!

Never before has this become more apparent than as I start to do more and more things behind the camera… instead of in front of it.

Case in point – the photo below:


This blurry picture is of my younger sister and her hubby in the middle of a family shoot in January in Utah. We were all being silly, because that’s just my family, and the snow decided that it needed to get my attention. No really, that’s what happened. Anyone who truly knows me, and even some random strangers, know that I am not really fond of snow. In fact, it has become a goal in life for my father-in-law to get me to do a Snow Angel and to get it on film. Twelve years with my hubby and it has yet to happen.

During this shoot, I was standing in a cleared area of about shin high snow, taking the photos of my and my sister’s families. I took a step, thinking I’d cleared that area of snow enough to do so… oh, how wrong I was! I stepped down right into a spot that had NOT been cleared, and found I couldn’t move my foot and hang on to my camera at the same time. Needless to say, I’m not throwing my camera… so down I went! I proceeded to need help up, because I still wouldn’t put my camera down (really, would you?), and needed a bit of help extricating myself. I’ve been assured by my family and hubby that they’re so proud of me! I managed to keep taking pictures as I fell into the snow drift. All in all… the only thing hurt was my pride. 😀