Yarn Works ~ Crochet Ruffle Coin Purse

I do it all the time… I can’t be the only one. I constantly destroy store-bought coin purses. I finally decided I would make one of my own and went on a search for ideas for a crochet or sewn coin purse. It would just depend on what I really felt like doing. A few weeks ago, I came across a picture of a full-size ruffled purse made of soft yarn. While pretty, it wasn’t quite what I was looking for… close though. I decided to play around with the idea and started to work on a pattern for a ruffled coin purse made with mercerized cotton crochet thread.

After several false starts where I ripped out the stitches and started all over… okay, it was five times. I finally came up with what I was going to do. So my current project right now is only a few rows into it, but it’s finally starting to look like what was in my head. If it works out like I’m hoping/thinking it will, I’ll be adding it to my shop. I’ll post another picture and update when it’s either finally done with lining or when I have another spot to post crochet into. What do you think?

Yarn Works – Current Projects – What Else?

Right this minute I think I have about five projects going. What I feel like doing dictates what is being worked on at any given time. That or if I have an order, lol. One type of project I love to work on are baby blankets. Why? Because they are mini-afghans (unless you do them larger) and everyone who gets one loves it!

I have at least two of those going at any given time. Right now I’m working on a baby blanket for a friend (which I won’t show until it’s done… otherwise it ruins the surprise for her), a random pattern that I liked and wanted to work on:

This is actually the “stitch” pattern I found. The blanket has evolved from this. 😀samurai stitch

And this is the blanket in progress.SONY DSC

and a remake of a previous blanket made:

The previous finished blanket SONY DSC

And the new blanket in progress SONY DSC

And yes, I do most often work on crochet while sitting on my bed. So, pictures of works in progress will be taken there… deal with it. 😀

Yarn Works – Current Projects – What am I working on?

It’s a question I’ve been fielding a lot lately. “What else are you working on?” I actually hear it all the time. Because while people love to see photos, they can’t necessarily buy them or afford them at that time. But when it comes to jewelry and/or crochet… there’s usually something they can afford.

At this exact moment (aside from editing sessions) I am working on a few crochet projects. I do have to get some finished projects photographed and posted so anyone who would like to can purchase them. But right this minute I’m working on a shawl.  My “Right Now” project currently looks like this:


I know, I know… what the heck is that? You ask. That is pieces… that will eventually be put together to form what’s in my head. I hope it comes out the way I am envisioning it… otherwise I’ll just have a lot of scrap yarn. 😀 What is it supposed to eventually look like? Well…

Like a lot of people out there I am addicted to Pinterest. I love clicking through there and finding new ideas. While a lot of the time I can find a specific pattern for a crochet project, sometimes I’m just out of luck. I crochet. I know some people who can both crochet and knit, but I am unfortunately not one of them. I’ll admit this flaw… I just can’t get my brain wrapped around knitting. It’s pretty and there are some gorgeous patterns that I seriously wish I could do. But no matter how hard I try, I just can’t get my hands to work the right way when it comes to knitting. So, I tend to save those pins for inspiration. Below are two inspiration pins of mine… the first one (the scarf) is actually a crochet pin. While I might one day make a scarf like this, I really was interested in the weaving part of it.


The second pin is what caught my interest.

entrelac shawl

I love the look of this, but as previously stated… I can’t knit to save my life and this is a knitting technique known as “entrelac”. While gorgeous, the closest I can find to it in crochet is the Tunisian Crochet version of it that I just don’t like as much. It just doesn’t have the same feel to it. Soooo… I am making my own version… or sort of version floating in my head. It won’t be exactly like this either, and that’s fine with me. I’ll post the finished product so you can judge for yourself if I hit the mark of “gorgeous” or “purty” or not… 😉